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Superficie zincata.
Elemento di fissaggio universale. Il dado con testa a martello viene inserito nella cava del profilato e può pertanto essere installato anche a posteriori in sistemi preesistenti. La zigrinatura interrompe lo strato anodizzato e garantisce un collegamento a conduzione elettrica sicuro.
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T-nuts & hammer-head screws

T-nuts and hammer-head screws are used as a quick and secure fastening element for profiles or rails. Both components are twisted into the profile slot and so can be subsequently inserted into existing systems. Both T-nuts and hammer-head screws can be turned by tightening 90° to lock into the slot. The serrations break through the anodised film and create a secure, electrically conductive connection.

norelem offers T-nuts and hammer-head screws in various versions.